Newsletter for the week of August 27th

3rd Grade News August 27 - 31 This Week’s Focus Memory – Books of the Old Testament Religion - Who is God? And what is the Bible? Language Arts - See handout that was sent home. Math – Calendar work, counting patterns, clocks, and number lines Spelling – Short vowel sounds, vc/cv sounds Handwriting – Manuscript review Social Studies – Understanding the Geography of the World Science – The questions and skills of scientists The school year is off to a great start. I look forward to a productive and fun year with the third graders! We are diving in full ahead this week with classes. I know that the students will do great and will work hard. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 8-27 Spelling Pre-test 8-29 Books of the Old Testament 1 8-31 Books of the Old Testament 2 L.A. Friday Assessment Spelling Post-test Upcoming Events 9-1 Blairstown Parad @ 10 AM 9-3 No School 9-7 Iowa/Iowa State Day