3rd Grade Newsletter for January 28 to February 1

3rd Grade News January 21 - 25 This Week’s Focus Memory – The Third Petition of Lord’s Prayer and 1 Timothy 2:4 Religion - Why did God send His Son to save us?, and What do Jesus’ names tell us? Why did Jesus need to be True God? Why did Jesus need to be True Man? Language Arts - See handout that was sent home. Math – This week we will be covering comparing fractions, probability and starting multiplication. We will have a unit test on Wednesday. Spelling – Vowels: r-controlled Handwriting – Capital upper case letters Social Studies – We will be taking a break from Social Studies until we complete the next Science unit. Science – We continue in Chapter 7 over our solar system. With all of our days off last week, we will be picking up where we left off on Monday. As far as memory goes, the students will have the option to do last week's memory for extra credit. All tests will be on the same day as last week. I look forwar...