3rd Grade News for December 2 - 6

3rd Grade News December 2 - 6 This Week’s Focus Memory - 2nd Article of The Creed Part 2 and it’s meaning Religion - This week we continue learning about God the Father. Language Arts - See attached sheet Math – We will continue learning our multiplication facts. Spelling – Week 12: Prefixes Handwriting – We continue lowercase cursive letters this week. Social Studies – We are going to be talking about finding places in the United States and see where they are in relation to us. Welcome to December! It is hard to believe that we are already into t he month of December. There is a lot going on this month, so make sure to read through the correspondent and the calendar so you don’t miss anything. This week we will continue working on our table manners during lunch time. This will be in preparation for our luncheon in December with the Ladies Group of St. Stephen’s. This Luncheon is on December 11th. We will need...