3rd Grade Newsletter: Christmas Break

3rd Grade News Christmas Break This Week’s Focus Memory - Introduction and 1st Petition of The Lord’s Prayer Religion - Celebrate the birth of our Savior with any of the many church services over the next two weeks! Language Arts - Read, Read, Read! Math –Practice those multiplication facts. Taking two weeks off will set us back, so make sure to keep practicing over break so you don’t forget your facts. Spelling – The next spelling list will be posted after New Year’s. Handwriting – If there are letters you know your child is struggling with please help them practice. Social Studies – We have completed Unit 2 and will start up Unit 3 when we get back from break. It is hard to believe that we are at Christmas Break already! This year is just flying by! Thank you to all who helped to make our Christmas party a success. Whether it was through food, drink, game ideas, or presents, it is greatly appreciated. As I told one of the students ...