3rd Grade News: Week of March 1

3rd Grade News March 1 - 5 This Week’s Focus Memory -Matthew 28:19 and What is Baptism Religion - This week we will continue in Unit 6. We will review on Friday and the test will be next week (3-8) Language Arts - See attached sheet Math - We will finish up our first unit over division with a test on Tuesday. Then we will continue to learn more about division in chapter 4. Spelling – VCCCV Patterns Handwriting – This week we continue learning our capital cursive letters. Social Studies - This week we will finish up Unit 4 over how people become U.S. citizens. Thank you to everyone who came out for Parent Teacher Conferences. It was a pleasure to get a chance to talk to all of you. If you did not get a chance to come for conferences there was a packet of papers sent home Friday for you. If you did not receive it, please let me know. We are starting to settle into our classroom and a couple of the new procedures that we have in place at...