3rd Grade News: Week of May 10th

3rd Grade News May 10 - 14 This Week’s Focus Memory - Romans 14:17 and Acts 20:28 Religion - We continue in Unit 8 over God’s works in us. Language Arts - See attached sheet. Math - We are continuing in Chapter 10 over Fractions. We will take our aMath test this week. Spelling – Prefixes, Suffixes, and Endings Handwriting – This week we continue with our daily handwriting worksheets. Science - We continue in ch 9 over energy. We are so very close to the end of the school year. However, that doesn’t mean we should quit working. Students still need to do their best work and pay attention in class. This week will be our last week for grades. This will give students one week to complete corrections over this week’s work. Next week we will still be working on new material but assignments will be minimal. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 5-12 Romans 14:17 5-14 Acts 20:28 L.A. “Friday” Test Spelling Test Upc...