3rd Grade News: January 30 - February 3

3rd Grade News January 30 - February 3 This Week’s Focus Memory - 4th Petition of the Lord’s Prayer and meaning & Matthew 6:33 Religion - We finish Unit 5 with a test on Friday. We will cover lessons 59-60 this week. Language Arts - See attached sheet Spelling – Suffixes Handwriting – This week we will continue our capital cursive letters. Math - Ths week we will still be using our multiplication but we are moving on to chapter 6 over area. Social Studies - This week we finish our study of immigration with a test on Tuesday.. Science - We begin chapter 8 over matter and we will get through the first two lessons. The class has gotten a behavior bingo and will get to enjoy watching a movie and playing some games on Monday afternoon. We are getting closer to having enough supplies for our assemblage art project. If you have any wood scraps or cardboard items that we can use, please send them in. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Test...