Third Grade News: October 30 - November 3
3rd Grade News October 30 - November 3 This Week’s Focus Memory - Mark 1:8 and John 14:26 Religion - We start unit 3 over God the Father with lessons 25-28. Language Arts - See the attached sheet. Spelling – Words with spl, thr, squ, str, scr Handwriting – We will continue learning our lowercase cursive letters this week. Math -This week we will finish chapter two with a test on Friday. Science - We start learning about motion, speed, and forces. This week we get back to our normal schedule. Coming home today are a couple of different things; one is your child’s first quarter report card and the second is a permission slip for our fieldtrip next week. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 11-1 Mark 1:8 11-3 John 14:26 L.A. Test Spelling Math Upcoming Events 11-1 1:00 Dismissal 11-8 Field Trip To Cedar Falls 1:00 Dismiss 11-9 Chapel @ 8:30 11-15 Donuts with Dad 7-8 AM 1:00 Dismissal 11-17 5th-8th Fall Musical