
Showing posts from October, 2023

Third Grade News: October 30 - November 3

    3rd Grade News October 30 - November 3 This Week’s Focus Memory - Mark 1:8 and John 14:26 Religion - We start unit 3 over God the Father with lessons 25-28. Language Arts - See the attached sheet. Spelling – Words with  spl, thr, squ, str, scr Handwriting – We will continue learning our lowercase cursive letters this week. Math -This week we will finish chapter two with a test on Friday. Science - We start learning about motion, speed, and forces. This week we get back to our normal schedule.  Coming home today are a couple of different things; one is your child’s first quarter report card and the second is a permission slip for our fieldtrip next week. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 11-1 Mark 1:8 11-3 John 14:26 L.A. Test Spelling Math Upcoming Events 11-1 1:00 Dismissal 11-8 Field Trip To Cedar Falls 1:00 Dismiss 11-9 Chapel @ 8:30 11-15 Donuts with Dad 7-8 AM       1:00 Dismissal 11-17 5th-8th Fall Musical

3rd Grade News: October 23-27

  3rd Grade News October 23-27 This Week’s Focus Memory - 10th commandment and meaning Religion - This week we will be practicing for chapel on Wednesday.  Then we will continue discussing the Holy Spirit in lessons 22 and 23. Language Arts - See the attached sheet. Spelling – Compound Words Handwriting – We will continue learning our lowercase cursive letters this week. Math -This week we will start to learn our multiplication facts.  This will be our focus until after Christmas break. Social Studies - We will review our concepts this week and take a test on Thursday. It is Red Ribbon Week!  I hope the students enjoy their dress-up days and celebrate being drug-free.  We have a lot to get through this week, but we get to have some fun at our fall party on Friday. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 10-26 Social Studies Ch 2 10-27 10th Command & Meaning L.A. Test Spelling Upcoming Events 10-23 to 27 Red Ribbon Week 11-25 3rd Grade Chapel 10-27 ...

Third Grade News: October 16th - 18th

      3rd Grade News October 16-18 This Week’s Focus Memory - 1 John 4:19 Religion - We are practicing our chapel this week.  We are leading chapel on October 25th. Language Arts - This week we are reviewing grammar skills we have already learned this year.  We are also doing a Bookmark Book Report.  After this week, this will become a more common thing. Spelling – No Spelling this week! Handwriting – This week we are practicing our cursive writing and we are practicing reading cursive. Math -We continue to learn about multiplication this week with chapter one lessons 2-4. Social Studies - Students will be working in pairs this week to find what direction and how far they would have to travel from Newhall to several places around the United States. This is a short week; that is followed by the fun of Red Ribbon Week.  Please make sure that all clothing items worn next week are school-appropriate.  We will have our fall party next week on ...

3rd Grade News: October 2-6

    3rd Grade News October 2-6 This Week’s Focus Memory - 7th & 8th Commandments & Meanings Religion - We continue learning about the Holy Spirit with lessons 15-18. Language Arts - See attached purple sheet. Spelling – Syllables V/CV, VC/V Handwriting – We continue learning our lowercase cursive letters with f, k, r, and s this week. Math -We continue Chapter 8 over subtraction.  Like our addition lessons, I do not expect the students to master all the ways we learn to subtract.  I hope each student will find a method of subtracting that works best for them. Science - This week we continue learning about the scientific process and the engineering process. This week we have parent-teacher conferences.  I look forward to meeting with each of you to talk about your student.  I pray that by working together we can make this a successful year for all third-grade students. The Singing Saints (2-4 choir) will be singing at St. Stephen’s Lutheran...