Third Grade News: April 2-5
3rd Grade News April 2-5 This Week’s Focus Memory -Titus 3:5 & How can water do such great things? Religion - We continue unit 7 over the means of grace with lessons 78-80. Language Arts - See the attached sheet. Spelling – Suffixes Handwriting – This week we continue practicing our cursive handwriting. Math - This week we start chapter 11 continuing our study of fractions. We will continue to do our multiplication timed tests on Wednesday. Social Studies - This week we finish chapter 5 on diversity with a test on Friday. I pray that you had a blessed Easter and that you got to spend some time contemplating the amazing gifts given to us through Jesus Christ our Savior. We have approximately 8 weeks of school left in this school year. It is amazing how fast it has gone. We still have a lot to cover and I pray that God gives us all the strength to continue to do our very best work. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 4-3 Titus 3:5 ...