Third Grade News: April 29 - May 3
3rd Grade News April 29 - May 3 This Week’s Focus Memory - Luke 1:45 & John 20:29 Religion - This week we continue Unit 8 with lessons 91-93. Language Arts - See the attached sheet, our grammar topic this week is commas in an address. Spelling – Multisyllabic Words Handwriting – This week we continue practicing our cursive handwriting. Math - This week we finish chapter 13 with a test on Thursday. Social Studies - We start Chapter 5 over making communities better. This week we will be doing an intruder drill. We will also have chapel on Thursday this week for National Day of Prayer. Also this week, spring testing will begin. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 5-1 Luke 1:45 5-2 Math Ch 13 4-26 John 20:29 LA “Friday” Test Spelling Test Upcoming Events 4-29 Spring Testing Starts 5-1 3rd Grade Ag day 1:00 Dismiss Plant Sale Set-...