3rd Grade News for August 26 - 30

3rd Grade News
August 26 - 30

This Week’s Focus
Memory - Old Testament Books of the Bible
Religion - Who is God? And What is the Bible?
Language Arts - We will start the year by doing some baseline tests.
We will also be practicing how to do our comprehension, writing, and fluency. 
Also see the attached sheet.
Math – We are starting the year with a basic Addition Facts review. 
We will also practice some of our center rotations this week.
Spelling – Important words to know for the rest of the school year!
Handwriting – Manuscript review
Science – Our first unit of the year will be covering the Earth and Weather. 
This week we will talk about the water cycle, weather, and climate.

The new school year has begun!  I am so excited about all the new things
we will learn and do in the Third Grade classroom this year.  We are spending a
lot of time practicing some of our rules, expectations, and procedures this week.
This will help us to be successful when we dive into our classes next week.
I haven’t received very many parent letters yet.  I would ask that you please
do this sometime next week.  These letters about your kids really do help me
get to know them better.  Thank you for taking the time to do this for me.

In Christ,
Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests
8-28 Memory: Books of the Old Testament
8-30 Memory: Books of the Old Testament
Spelling Test

Upcoming Events
8-31 Sauerkraut Days Parade
9-2 No School
9-3 Fall Pictures

9/12 Open House/PTL Meeting
