3rd Grade News: Week of March 15

3rd Grade News

March 15 - 16

This Week’s Focus

Memory -Titus 3”5 and How can water do such great things?

Religion - Bible Trivia

Language Arts - St. Patrick’s Day Comprehension and Reader’s Theater

Math - Multiplication Escape Room

Spelling – No Spelling this week!

Handwriting – This week we continue learning our capital cursive letters.

Science -We will be doing a states of matter activity this week.

The students have received another BINGO.  We will celebrate on Tuesday with a movie, pizza, and ice cream.

The memory listed for this week is actually next week’s memory.  If you get a chance over Spring Break spend some time studying it.  This would also be a great time to work on those multiplication facts and doing some reading!

In Christ,   

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests


Upcoming Events

3-15 Full Day of School - No Bussing

3-16 1:15 Dismissal - No Bussing

3-17 to 19 Spring Break

3-26 School Wide Spelling Bee
