3rd Grade News: November 8-12

   3rd Grade News

November 8 - 12

This Week’s Focus

Memory - Hebrews 11:3 and Deuteronomy 32:6

Religion - This week we will cover lessons 31 through 34.

Language Arts - See attached sheet.

Spelling – Consonant Digraphs

Handwriting – This week we continue to learn how to write our

lower case letters in cursive.

Math - This week we finish our first multiplication facts unit. 

We will have a test on Thursday.  Then we will continue learning our

multiplication facts.

Science - This week we start chapter 7 with our study of the solar

system.  We will work on lessons 2 and 3.

This week we have Family Night on Thursday, November 11 at

6 P.M.  This is for students in preschool through fourth grade.  Come

on in and enjoy some time with your family doing different activities

in the Preschool - Fourth grade classrooms.

In Christ,   

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

11-10 Hebrews 11-3

11-11 Math Ch 2

11-5 Deuteronomy 32:6

LA Test

Spelling Test

Upcoming Events

11-10 12:00 Dismissal

11-11 Family Night 6-7

11-17 12:00 Dismissal

11-19 5th-8th Grade Musical 6:30
