3rd Grade News: December 20-22

   3rd Grade News

December 20-22

This Week’s Focus

Memory - None

Religion - We will be talking about the first Christmas

Language Arts - We will be doing some activities and writing

connected with a couple different Christmas books.

Spelling – None

Handwriting – This week we continue learning our capital

cursive letters.

Math - We are still working on our multiplication facts.  Several

students have passed many of our timed tests already.  Keep up

the good work!

Social Studies - None

Christmas party on Wednesday, December 22nd.  If you were

assigned something for the party, please send it in as soon as

possible.  We will have a game, gift exchange, and snack time.

In Christ,

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests


Upcoming Events

12-22 Class Christmas Party

12:00 Dismissal

1-3 Return to School

1-12 End of 2nd Quarter
