Third Grade News: August 29 - September 2

3rd Grade News August 29 - September 2 This Week’s Focus Memory - Books of the Old Testament Religion - This week we will cover lessons 1-4 about who God is, how we know him, and what the bible is. Language Arts - See attached sheet. Spelling – Short Vowels: Syllables VC/CV Handwriting – We are continuing to review our manuscript handwriting this week. Math - We are starting our first math unit this week. We should get through three lessons that cover place value and rounding. Social Studies - We start the year with Social Studies. We will be learning about hemispheres, oceans, continents, countries, states, and communities. Welcome to week two. This week we dive into our normal classes and getting used to our weekly schedule. Students did a great job last week paying attention and learning our rules and expectations. I pray that we will have a successful week full of learning! In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 8-31 Old Testame...