Third Grade News: August 23-26

  3rd Grade News

August 23 - 26

This Week’s Focus

Memory - Books of the New Testament

Religion - This week we will practice finding Bible verses and do some

Bible Trivia.

Language Arts - We will spend our time learning and practicing our

classroom expectations.

Spelling – Our first spelling list of the year is made of 10 words that

the students will use frequently this school year.

Handwriting – We start our year practicing our manuscript


Math -  This week we will practice our math centers and go through

our math class expectations.

Social Studies/Science - These two subjects will trade off throughout

the year.  We will start with our first science unit next week.

Welcome to Third Grade!!  I am looking forward to having a great

year.  A weekly newsletter will come home every Monday.  It will also

be posted on Fast Direct, the class Facebook page, and on the class

website every week.

In Christ,

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

8-26 Books of the New Testament

Upcoming Events

9-3 Sauerkraut Days Parade

9-5 No School

9-8 Picture Day
