Third Grade Newsletter: March 27-31

3rd Grade News March 27-31 This Week’s Focus Memory Titus 3:5 and How can water do such great things? Religion - We are continuing unit 7 over the Means of Grade this week. We will get through lessons 77-80. Language Arts - See attached sheet Spelling – Vowel sounds in moon and foot Handwriting – We will continue practicing our cursive handwriting from now until the end of the year with daily practice sheets. Math - This week we continue learning about fractions. We will finish Chapter 10 with a test on Thursday Science - We continue Ch 9 over energy this week. We will get through lessons 3-5. The fourth quarter has begun. This quarter students will start reading their LA tests on their own and we will be working on doing some lit circles. I have also warned the students that lack of a name or number on their work will now result in losing 3 points instead of 1. Forgetting folders, assignments, and assi...