Third Grade Newsletter: March 27-31

      3rd Grade News

March 27-31

This Week’s Focus

Memory Titus 3:5 and How can water do such great things?

Religion - We are continuing unit 7 over the Means of Grade this week.  We will get through lessons 77-80.

Language Arts - See attached sheet

Spelling – Vowel sounds in moon and foot

Handwriting – We will continue practicing our cursive handwriting from now until the end of the year with daily practice sheets.

Math - This week we continue learning about fractions.  We will finish Chapter 10 with a test on Thursday

Science - We continue Ch 9 over energy this week.  We will get through lessons 3-5.

The fourth quarter has begun.  This quarter students will start reading their LA tests on their own and we will be working on doing some lit circles.  I have also warned the students that lack of a name or number on their work will now result in losing 3 points instead of 1.  Forgetting folders, assignments, and assignment notebooks should not be happening as frequently as it has been lately.  Please help your child at home to remember to pack these things and bring them to school.

In Christ,

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

3-29 Titus 3:5

3-30 Math Ch 10

3-31 How can water do such great things?

L.A. “Friday” Test

Spelling Test

Upcoming Events

3-30 Fine Arts Night 6 - 7:30

4-1 Spring Fling

4-6 VIP Day, 1:00 Dismissal

4-7 No School

4-10 No School

4-12 Early Dismissal

4-21 Musical @ 6:30
