Third Grade News: Week of May 1-5

3rd Grade News May 1 - 5 This Week’s Focus Memory - Romans 1:17 & Matthew 26:28 Religion - We continue learning about the second table of the law with lessons 90-92 Language Arts - See attached sheet. Spelling – Related Words Handwriting – We will continue practicing our cursive handwriting from now until the end of the year with daily practice sheets. Math - This week we are reviewing time. We will talk about elapsed time. We will also be studying measurement. Science - This week we will be learning about forces and motion. This week we start a new science unit over forces and motion. There will not be a test over this unit and I have pared down the questions over the section to focus on the most important details. We have Ag Day on Wednesday, which the kids will enjoy. The meal provided that day is a hamburger or pork burger, chips, milk, and ice cream. We will come back and have class in the afternoon. In Christ, Mrs. Hines...