3rd Grade Newsletter: May 13-17
3rd Grade News May 13-17 This Week’s Focus Memory - 1 John 4:19 Religion - This week we continue Unit 9 with lessons 98--101. Language Arts - See the attached sheet, our grammar study this week will be a review. Spelling – Vowel Patterns ei and eigh Handwriting – This week we continue practicing our cursive handwriting. Math - This week we are continuing our study of graphs. Science - Last week we started chapter 11 over space. We will continue this chapter this week. This week I will send home papers as I get them corrected. I am also sending home a list of missing assignments. If your student has missing assignments please let me know if you need a new copy. All corrections and missing assignments need to be turned in to me by next week Wednesday. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 5-17 1 John 4:19 LA “Friday” Test Spelling Test Upcoming Events 5-15 1:00 Dismiss 5-17 Spring Concert @ 6:30 5...