Third Grade News: January 22-26
3rd Grade News January 22-26 This Week’s Focus Memory - 3rd Petition of Lord’s Prayer and 2 Corinthians 12:9 Religion - This week we continue Unit 5 over The Lord’s Prayer with lessons 54-57. Language Arts - See the attached sheet. Our grammar skill this week is nouns. Spelling – Vowels: r-Controlled Handwriting – This week we continue learning our cursive capital letters. Math -This week we continue learning about division with chapter four lessons 5-7. We will also be taking timed multiplication tests on Wednesday and our aMath test on Tuesday. Science - We finish our study over simple machines. We have our first full week in a while. This week we have our winter testing. Please make sure students get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast, especially this week. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 1-24 3rd Petition Lord’s Prayer 1-25 Science Test 1-26 2 Corinthians 12:9 L.A. Test Spelling Upcoming Events 1-22 to 26 Winter T...