3rd Grade Newsletter for February 4 - 8
3rd Grade News
February 4 - 8

This Week’s Focus
Memory – The Fifth Petition of Lord’s Prayer
Religion - What do Jesus’ names tell us? Why did Jesus need to be True God? and Why did Jesus need to be True Man?
Language Arts - See handout that was sent home last week Friday.
Math – We will have a unit test on Monday and then we will start our multiplication unit.
Spelling – Vowels: r-controlled
Handwriting – Capital upper case letters
Social Studies – We will be taking a break from Social Studies until we complete the next Science unit.
Science – We continue in Chapter 7 over our solar system.
On Tuesday we will be starting our multiplication unit. For this part of our math class we will not be using our usual math books and we will be supplementing with some other resources. Also with a short week this week our usual Friday tests will be on Thursday.
There are a lot of this happening within the next few months. I have a bin in my classroom for any donations for our Third Grade Baking Basket for the Spring Fling. Anytime you want to send in items please do so. If you need ideas please see the handout that was sent home, or send me a message and I will let you know what would be good.
Other things to note coming up: Parent Teacher Conferences on February 7th and 8th, 3rd Grade Chapel on February 13th, Valentine’s Party on February 14th, and Spelling Bee and Family Dance on February 15th..
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
2-4 Math Test
2-5 Memory: The Fifth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
2-7 Memory: The Fifth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
“Friday” L.A. Assessment
Spelling Post-Test
Upcoming Events
2-7 and 8 Parent-Teacher Conferences
2-13 3rd Grade Chapel
2-14 Valentine’s Party
2-15 Spelling Bee, Jump Rope for Heart, Family Valentine Dance @ 6 PM
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