3rd Grade News for the week of May 13
3rd Grade News
May 13 - 17

This Week’s Focus
Memory - 2 Corinthians 5:7
Religion - We are talking about pastors, liturgy, worship, and the church year.
Language Arts - See attached sheet
Math – We will finish up our unit on area this week with a test on Thursday.
Spelling – Prefixes, Suffixes, and Endings
Handwriting – We are continuing to practice each of our letters again.
Social Studies – We continue our study of diverse culture; looking at foods, languages, holidays, traditions, and art of different cultures. We will finish this unit with a test on Wednesday.
Science – Thursday we will start learning about forms of energy.
Just a couple of weeks left in the school year. There are lots of things happening these last few weeks so please check out the school newsletter. A few things coming up are Ag Day wrap up on Friday, Camp Tanager next week Tuesday, and Singing Saints at the nursing home next week Friday. The last three days of school we have a couple assemblies/speakers coming in to talk with the students.
Also looking ahead to next year, these wonderful kiddos will be big fourth graders. This means that you and they will be in charge of the brunch next year. PTL has requested that if you are willing or able to be the coordinator for this event. Having helped with it this year I can say that it is pretty well set up and easy to run. If you are interested please contact Katie Stien or me.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
5-13 Spelling Pre-Test
5-15 Memory: 2 Corinthians 5:7, Social Studies Test
5-16 Math Area Test
5-2 “Friday” Language Arts Assessment
Spelling Post-Test
Upcoming Events
5-21 Camp Tanager
5-24 Singing Saints to Windsor Manor
5-30 Last Day of School
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