3rd Grade News for the week of May 6
3rd Grade News
May 6 - 10

This Week’s Focus
Memory - James 1:17 and Psalm 33:6
Religion - We are talking about confession, absolution, and the pastoral
office this week.
office this week.
Language Arts - See attached sheet
Math – We are finishing up our chapter on division. There will be a test
on Tuesday. Then we will dive into learning about area.
on Tuesday. Then we will dive into learning about area.
Spelling – Vowel sounds in moon and foot
Handwriting – We are continuing to practice each of our letters again.
Social Studies – We continue our study of diverse culture; looking at
foods, languages, holidays, traditions, and art of different cultures.
foods, languages, holidays, traditions, and art of different cultures.
Science – We are taking a break from science while we do our social
studies unit.
studies unit.
The end of the year is quickly approaching. I really can’t believe how
fast this year has gone. I have been so blessed to be here with these kids!
I just might cry when the year is over!
fast this year has gone. I have been so blessed to be here with these kids!
I just might cry when the year is over!
I know that everyone is incredibly busy with all the things that spring
brings our way. However, we are need of help for the track meet that we
are hosting at Benton on Saturday, May 11th. If you haven’t signed up for
a time slot and can help out it would be greatly appreciated (especially if
you have a student participating in track).
brings our way. However, we are need of help for the track meet that we
are hosting at Benton on Saturday, May 11th. If you haven’t signed up for
a time slot and can help out it would be greatly appreciated (especially if
you have a student participating in track).
Also looking ahead to next year, these wonderful kiddos will be big fourth
graders. This means that you and they will be in charge of the brunch next
year. PTL has requested that if you are willing or able to be the coordinator
for this event. Having helped with it this year I can say that it is pretty well
set up and easy to run. If you are interested please contact Katie Stien or me.
graders. This means that you and they will be in charge of the brunch next
year. PTL has requested that if you are willing or able to be the coordinator
for this event. Having helped with it this year I can say that it is pretty well
set up and easy to run. If you are interested please contact Katie Stien or me.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
5-6 Spelling Pre-Test, aMath
5-7 Math Ch 4 Test
5-8 Memory: James 1:17
5-2 Memory: Psalm 33:6
“Friday” Language Arts Assessment
Spelling Post-Test
Upcoming Events
5-7 Spring Concert @ 6:30
5-10 Mr. Shucks visits, Track Meet set up @ 6 PM
5-11 Track Meet at Van Horne @ 9 AM
5-12 Athletic Banquet
5-21 Camp Tanegar
5-24 Singing Saints to Windsor Manor
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