3rd Grade News: January 27 - 31

3rd Grade News January 27 - 31 This Week’s Focus Memory - 4th Petition of The Lord’s Prayer and Matthew 6:33. Religion - We continue Unit 4 this week about Jesus. Language Arts - See attached sheet Math - We will continue working on our division facts this week. The best way to help your child is to practice their multiplication facts every night. Spelling – Week 16: Irregular Plurals Handwriting – We are at the end of our cursive lowercase letters. We will do a few more practice pages working on connecting our lower case letters and then we will move on to capital cursive letters. Social Studies – This week we continue with Unit 3 over how geography affects the way we live. This week is National Lutheran Schools Week. I will post events and happenings for the week on Class Tag. The dress up day for Monday is Christmas colors/outfit. We are also collecting travel size items for personal care kits to send to Mission o...