3rd Grade News: November 1-5

  3rd Grade News

November 1 - 5

This Week’s Focus

Memory - Psalm 147:4 and Colossians 1:16

Religion - This week we will cover lessons 25 through 31.

Language Arts - See attached sheet.

Spelling – Words with spl, the, squ, str, scr

Handwriting – This week we continue to learn how to write our

lower case letters in cursive.

Math - This week we start learning our multiplication facts.  Students

will bring flashcards home on Friday to help them study these facts. 

They will take multiplication fact tests and those who pass all 11 of the

time tests will be rewarded at the end of the year with a milkshake


Science - This week we start chapter 7 with our study of the solar

system.  We will work on lessons 1 and 2.

Thank you all for a fun Red Ribbon Week last week.  I look forward

to getting back to a more normal schedule this week.  We are at the

start of the second quarter with a fresh start.  Kick it off right by

working hard, taking your time, and doing your best work possible.

In Christ,   

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

11-3 Psalm 147:4

11-5 Colossians 1:16

LA Test

Spelling Test

Upcoming Events

11-3 12:00 Dismissal

11-10 12:00 Dismissal

11-11 Family Night 6-7
