3rd Grade News: January 24-28

  3rd Grade News

January 24-28

This Week’s Focus

Memory - The Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer and Psalm 106:1

Religion - We will continue in Unit 4 with lessons 55-59

Language Arts - See attached sheet.

Spelling – Prefixes

Handwriting – This week we continue learning our capital cursive


Math - We continue learning about division this week.  We will start

looking at division facts for 8,9, 0, and 1.

Science - We will continue in Ch 8 over Matter.

This week we are starting an art project that will take us a few

weeks to complete.  We are studying artist Louise Nevelson.  There

will be a letter coming home about items that we will need in order

to complete our projects.  The students in the past have really

enjoyed this art project and I look forward to seeing this class’s

take on it.

In Christ,

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

1-26 4th Petition of the Lord’s Prayer

1-28 Psalm 106:1

L.A. “Friday “ Test

Spelling Test

Upcoming Events

1-26 12:15 Dismissal

1-28 2nd Quarter PBS Reward

2-2 3rd Grade Sings in Chapel

2-9 PTL @ 6:30
