Third Grade News: February 27 - March 3

3rd Grade News February 27 - March 3 This Week’s Focus Memory - Conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer and meaning Religion - We continue unit six over how we respond to God’s love with lessons 68-71. Language Arts - See attached sheet Spelling – Vowel Patterns au, augh, ou, ough Handwriting – We will practice our cursive handwriting this week, including starting to write our names. Math - We continue multiplying by multiples of 10. We will finish this chapter and have a test on Thursday. Social Studies - We continue our study of unit 5 over diverse cultures. Here is hoping that we have a full week of school so we can get through all this material. Spring Fling is coming quickly. If you would like to donate to our classroom basket please send in your items asap! In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 3-2 Math Ch 9 3-3 Conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer L.A. “Friday” Test Spelling Test Upcoming Events 2-28 Chapel 3-1 Early Dismi...