Third Grade News: January 2-5
3rd Grade News January 2-5 This Week’s Focus Memory - No Memory This Wee Religion - This week we start Unit 5 over The Lord’s Prayer with lessons 49-51 Language Arts - See the attached sheet. Spelling – Consonant Patterns wr, kn, gn, st, mb Handwriting – This week we continue learning our cursive capital letters. Math -This week we start learning about division with chapter one lessons 5, 6, and 7. We will also be taking timed multiplication tests on Wednesday. Science - We kick the new year off with chapter 7 learning about machines. Thank you for the wonderful Christmas presents. I pray that your break was a restful one, in which you got to contemplate the amazing gift of our Savior, Jesus. We will be starting an art project in the new year that will require some help from you. Attached is a flyer about the supplies we will need for this project. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 1-5 L.A. Test Spelling Upcomi...