Third Grade News: December 4-8

   3rd Grade News

December 4-8

This Week’s Focus

Memory - Third Article of The Apostles Creed

Religion - This week we continue Unit 4 with lessons 40 - 43

Language Arts - See the attached sheet.

Spelling – Spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/

Handwriting – This week we continue learning our cursive capital letters.

Math -This week we will work on our, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 times facts.

Social Studies - This week we continue unit 3 on how geography affects communities.

Every year the third grade class goes over to St. Stephen’s Church in Atkins for a Christmas Luncheon with the Ladies Society.  We will be going over to Atkins on Wednesday, December 13th.  We will need drivers for this trip, so if you can help in this way please let me know as soon as possible.

Your child might have shared with you a change I have made in the classroom recently.  I was not getting a chance to go over papers with students at school after they had been graded.  To try to make up for this fact I have started checking papers BEFORE they are turned in.  This way I am catching mistakes right away, students get a chance to fix mistakes right away, and it should reduce the number of correction papers for the students.

In Christ,

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

12-6 3rd Petition

12-8  3rd Petition

L.A. Test


Upcoming Events

12-6 1:00 Dismissal

12-10 Atkins Lighted Parade 5:30

12-13 Christmas Luncheon @ St. Stephen’s

         1:00 Dismissal

12-15 Christmas Concert 6:30

12-16 CSC Babysitting Night

12-21 Christmas Party

         1:00 Dismissal
