Newsletter for September 17 - 21
3rd Grade News
September 17 - 21

This Week’s Focus
Memory – 3rd and 4th Commandments and meanings
Religion - What tools help us study the bible? What do we do with the Bible?
Language Arts - See handout that was sent home.
Math – Lesson 1 - 10 review and test, Lesson 11 Place Value
Spelling – Vowel Digraphs
Handwriting – Basic cursive strokes, spacing, and reading cursive writing
Social Studies – We will be taking a break from Social Studies in order to focus on science fair.
Science – The tools of scientists and the start of science fair.
Thank you for so quickly turning in the permission slips for the Charlotte’s Web field trip. The kids are looking forward to it and enjoying listening as we read through the book.
As it says in the weekly focus, we will be taking a break from social studies in order to focus on science fair. The third grade gets to do this in groups in the classroom. There shouldn’t be much to bring home to work on, if anything at all. It is my goal to do this here at school all together. I look forward to seeing the students investigate and use their scientist skills to learn more about the world around them.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
9-17 Spelling Pre-test
9-19 Third Commandment and Meaning
9-20 L.A. “Friday” Assessment
9-21 Fourth Commandment and Meaning
Spelling Post-test
Upcoming Events
9-18 3rd Grade Fall Testing date for aReading
Fall Picture Day
9-19 1:15 Dismissal
9-20 Open House 5:30 – 6:30, PTL meeting to follow
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