3rd Grade News for October 15 - 19
3rd Grade News
October 15 - 19

This Week’s Focus
Memory – 10th Commandment and meaning, students will try on Wednesday and if they don’t pass they will do it again on Friday.
Religion - How does the Holy Spirit bring us to faith? And How does the Holy Spirit keep us in faith?
Language Arts - See handout that was sent home.
Math – Unit 2 Test on Tuesday. Lesson 21 - 22 over naming dollars and cents, exchanging dollars, dimes, and pennies, and adding dollars and cents.
Spelling – Compound Words
Handwriting – Lower case cursive letters
Social Studies – We continue in lesson two over Finding Places in the United States this week.
Science – We will be checking our bread samples and writing down any observations that we have. I do have some concerns that our classroom is so cold that we may not have much for mold growth. We will have to see what happens.
Our lessons this week will continue into the two days of school that we have next week. This means some of our usual testing days will change. Attached to the newsletter are the assignments for our classroom parties. Next week we have parent teacher conferences. These conferences do not coincide with the end of the first trimester so final report cards will not be issued for them. I will however send home a grade report of current grades and the FAST testing reports.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
10-16 Spelling Pre-test
Math Unit 2
10-17 10th Commandment and Meaning
10-19 10th Commandment and Meaning (re-try)
Upcoming Events
10-17 3rd Grade Singing in Chapel
10-18 to 21 Book Fair
10-21 PTL Brunch @ 9AM - 1PM
10-23 to 24 Parent Teacher Conferences
10-24 to 26 No School
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