3rd Grade News for October 8 - 12
3rd Grade News
October 8 - 12

This Week’s Focus
Memory – 9th Commandment and meaning, students will try on
Wednesday and if they don’t pass they will do it again on Friday.
Wednesday and if they don’t pass they will do it again on Friday.
Religion - Who is the Holy Spirit? And How does the Holy Spirit
bring us to faith?
bring us to faith?
Language Arts - See handout that was sent home.
Math – Lessons 18 - 20 over addition story problems, subtracting
three digit numbers, and subtraction story problems. We will have
come to the end of another set of ten lessons so we will have a review
assignment to go over before a test next week.
three digit numbers, and subtraction story problems. We will have
come to the end of another set of ten lessons so we will have a review
assignment to go over before a test next week.
Spelling – Final Syllable -le
Handwriting – Lower case cursive letters
Social Studies – We will start lesson two over Finding Places in the
United States this week.
United States this week.
Science – With the main part of our experiment done we will only
spend a small amount of time this week taking time to observe the
changes to our bread this week.
spend a small amount of time this week taking time to observe the
changes to our bread this week.
This class does not stop amazing me. They keep making awesome
observations in Science, doing hard work in all their classes, and get
excited about small things that we do in class. I love their enthusiasm
for learning and watching them think through the problems that I give them.
We are very close to completing our first Mr. Potato Head. The completion
of this character will be cause for celebration. Keep your eyes and ears open
for information regarding what to expect when this happens.
observations in Science, doing hard work in all their classes, and get
excited about small things that we do in class. I love their enthusiasm
for learning and watching them think through the problems that I give them.
We are very close to completing our first Mr. Potato Head. The completion
of this character will be cause for celebration. Keep your eyes and ears open
for information regarding what to expect when this happens.
At the end of the month we have our fall party. This realization reminded
me that I need to send home assignments for the items we need for all of our
parties. I will be sending home a handout later this week about who needs to
bring what for which party.
me that I need to send home assignments for the items we need for all of our
parties. I will be sending home a handout later this week about who needs to
bring what for which party.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
10-8 Spelling Pre-test
10-10 9th Commandment and Meaning
10-12 9th Commandment and Meaning (re-try)
L.A. “Friday” Assessment
Spelling Post-test
Upcoming Events
10-11 Special Guest for a project with the class
10-15 No School
10-18 to 21 Book Fair
10-21 PTL Brunch @ 9AM - 1PM
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