3rd Grade News for 3-4 to 8
3rd Grade News
March 4 - 8

This Week’s Focus
If your child would like to bring in a snack
to eat during break time they may do so.
These snacks need to be something healthy.
NO chips, cookies, candy, or junk food will
be allowed. Ideas of things for them to bring
would be fruit (fresh or dried), cheese sticks,
crackers, dry cereal, or graham crackers.
Remember we are a nut free space!
Memory – Matthew 28:19 and What is Baptism?
Religion - What is Jesus’ work as a prophet? And preparing for
chapel next week.
chapel next week.
Language Arts - No Language Arts this week because of Iowa Assessments
Math – We continue learning our multiplication facts with 3, 4, 6, and 7
Spelling – No spelling this week because of Iowa Assessments
Handwriting – Capital upper case letters
Social Studies – We are studying how and why people immigrated to the
United States.
United States.
Science – We are taking a break from Science while we do our Social
Studies unit.
Studies unit.
So many things going on over the next few months. We will all be kept
very busy. I sent home the students speaking parts for the Spring Musical.
Please be working with them on these. The musical is on April 12th and will
be here before we know it.
very busy. I sent home the students speaking parts for the Spring Musical.
Please be working with them on these. The musical is on April 12th and will
be here before we know it.
Other things to be looking forward to is Fine Arts Night on April 4th. If
your child intends to participate then slips need to be turned in by March 13th.
I know we have a great group of singers, dancers, performers, gymnasts, and
all sorts of other talents. We would love for the students to share them with us.
your child intends to participate then slips need to be turned in by March 13th.
I know we have a great group of singers, dancers, performers, gymnasts, and
all sorts of other talents. We would love for the students to share them with us.
Next week is Lutheran Schools Week and a sheet was sent home with
dress up days for this great celebration of being a Lutheran School. There
are lots of activities planned for the week including Bible Scavenger Hunt,
bowling, pizza for lunch, K vs. 8th basketball game, chapel family activity,
and 3rd grade leading chapel on Wednesday.
dress up days for this great celebration of being a Lutheran School. There
are lots of activities planned for the week including Bible Scavenger Hunt,
bowling, pizza for lunch, K vs. 8th basketball game, chapel family activity,
and 3rd grade leading chapel on Wednesday.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
3-11 Spelling Pre-Test
3-13 Memory: Mark 16:16
3-15 Memory: What benefits does Baptism give?
“Friday” L.A. Assessment
Spelling Post Test
Upcoming Events
3-6 1:15 Dismissal
3-8 Spring Pictures
3-10 PTL Canvas Painting for 3rd - 8th graders
3-11 to 15 National Lutheran Schools Week
3-13 2:15 Dismissal
3-18 to 22 Spring Break
Iowa Basic Skills Testing
If your child would like to bring in a snack
to eat during break time they may do so.
These snacks need to be something healthy.
NO chips, cookies, candy, or junk food will
be allowed. Ideas of things for them to bring
would be fruit (fresh or dried), cheese sticks,
crackers, dry cereal, or graham crackers.
Remember we are a nut free space!
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