3rd Grade News for Oct. 28 - Nov. 1

3rd Grade News October 28 - November 1 This Week’s Focus Memory - John 10:11 and Isaiah 40:11 Religion - We continue to learn about Martin Luther this week. Language Arts - See attached sheet Math – We continue with our Multiplication. We will have a test over our equal groups, number lines, arrays, and commutative property of Multiplication on Tuesday. Then we will start learning our multiplication facts on Wednesday! Spelling – Week 8 Compound Words Handwriting – We continue lowercase cursive letters this week. Science – We will finish up our unit on the solar system this week with a test on Wednesday. Welcome to the second quarter. A fresh new start to continue our learning and growing. A couple changes for the second quarter. First corrected papers will come home on Monday. These papers will be attached to a slip that parents will need to sign and return so that I know you saw your child’s papers. Any correctio...