3rd Grade News for Oct. 28 - Nov. 1
3rd Grade News
October 28 - November 1
This Week’s Focus
Memory - John 10:11 and Isaiah 40:11
Religion - We continue to learn about Martin Luther this week.
Language Arts - See attached sheet
Math – We continue with our Multiplication. We will have a test over our equal groups, number lines, arrays, and commutative property of Multiplication on Tuesday. Then we will start learning our multiplication facts on Wednesday!
Spelling – Week 8 Compound Words
Handwriting – We continue lowercase cursive letters this week.
Science – We will finish up our unit on the solar system this week with a test on Wednesday.
Welcome to the second quarter. A fresh new start to continue our learning and growing. A couple changes for the second quarter. First corrected papers will come home on Monday. These papers will be attached to a slip that parents will need to sign and return so that I know you saw your child’s papers. Any corrections will need to be done on a separate sheet of paper, attached to the original assignment and returned by next Monday. If your child has corrections to do I will also send home a message through Class Tag to let you know.
The second new thing has to do with late or missing work. If your child has a late or missing assignment there will be another copy of the homework sent home with a note. You will need to sign the note and return it with the late assignment.
I have decided to do both of these things in an effort to have better communication about your child and their homework. I know some days, the end of our day can be chaotic and I want to do what I can to help make sure students are getting their work done and home for you to see. This should help us all keep better track of how the students are doing.
I have also noticed many class newsletters still in students’ folders. I would ask that if you do not need a paper copy of the newsletter please let me know. If you aren’t looking at the paper copies then I would rather not use the school’s resources to print them off.
Thank you all for the continued support of the school and your children. It is a blessing to be at Central and to be able to share the love of Christ with them daily.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
10-29 Math Multiplication Strategies
10-30 Memory: John 10:11
Science Ch 7
11-1 Memory: Isaiah 40:11
Spelling: Compound Words
“Friday” L.A. Assessment
Upcoming Events
10- 28 to 11-1 Red Ribbon Week
10-31 Fall Party @ 1:30
11-6 Moms and Donuts @ Early Dismissal @ 1:15
11-10 Singing Saints singing at St. Stephen’s Atkins @ 9 AM
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