3rd Grade News for March 2 - 6

3rd Grade News March 2 - 6 This Week’s Focus Memory - Matthew 28:19 and What is Baptism? Religion - We finish Unit 5 about God and our prayers this week. Language Arts - See attached purple sheet. Math - We will complete Chapter 9 with a test on Tuesday. Then we will begin Ch 10 over fractions. Spelling – Week 20: VCCCV Handwriting – We are now working on our cursive capital letters. Social Studies - We will begin Unit 4 over Settling in the United States. We are getting back to our usual schedule this week. We are incredibly close to getting our class reward. If we can get rid of our last post it note we will have our reward on Friday afternoon. In Christ, Mrs. Hines Upcoming Tests 3-3 Math Ch 9 3-4 Memory: Matthew 28:19 3-6 Memory: What is Baptism? Spelling: Suffixes “Friday” L.A. Assessment Upcoming Events 3-4 Early Dismissal @ 1:15 3-10 Spring Pictures 3-11 Early Dismissal @ 1:15