Third Grade News: October 3 - 5

  3rd Grade News

October 3-5

This Week’s Focus

Memory - Psalm 18:2

Religion - We will continue our study on the Holy Spirit with lessons 16 and 17.

Language Arts - This week we will start our first writing project.  Students will work on a narrative piece using our writing process.

Spelling – No spelling this week.  If you want to get a jump on next week’s words by studying on Spelling City, our story will be Penguin Chick.

Handwriting – This week we continue learning our cursive lower case letters, k and f.

Math - This week we will finish up our addition portion.  Please remember students are able to use whichever addition method they like best on the test. 

Science - This week we finish our first Science unit about the scientific method and scientists.

This week is a short one.  We will dive into some writing, and finish up our units in Math and Science.  Students have been working hard and doing a great job of being quiet during work time.  Don’t forget that we have Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 10th and 12th.  Please sign up to come to meet with me and talk about your child.

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

10-5 Psalm 18:2

Math Addition

Science Ch 1

Upcoming Events

10-6 & 7 No School

10-10 No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences

10-12 Parent-Teacher Conferences

10-13 Picture Retake Day

10-16 PTL Brunch 9-1
