Third Grade News: September 26-30

   3rd Grade News

September 26-30

This Week’s Focus

Memory - 5th & 6th Commandments and Meanings

Religion - This week we will have a test over unit one.  Then we will cover lessons 13-15 over who the Holy Spirit is and how it brings and keeps us in faith.

Language Arts - See attached sheet.

Spelling – Vowel Diphthongs - ou, ow, oy, oi

Handwriting – This week we continue learning our cursive lower case letters, l, b, and h.

Math - This week we continue learning different methods for adding numbers.  

Science - This week we continue our first Science unit about the scientific method and scientists.

Students got their first Bingo party last week!  And this week we have our first seat change.  Our afternoons have been rough with paying attention and focusing on the work at hand.  Other than that, our days are starting to get into a good flow, and I am enjoying this great group of kiddos.

In Christ,

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

9-26 Religion Test

9-28 5th Commandment & Meaning

9-30 6th Commandment & Meaning

L.A. Weekly Test


Upcoming Events

10-6 & 7 No School

10-10 No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences

10-12 Parent-Teacher Conferences

10-13 Picture Retake Day
