3rd Grade News: November 26 - 30
3rd Grade News
November 26 - 30

This Week’s Focus
Memory – The Second Article of the Creed - the meaning
Religion - Why is the Reformation important? Who is a Saint?
Unit 2 Test and Why do we call God our Father?
Language Arts - See handout that was sent home.
Math – This week we will be covering fractions, estimating sums
and differences, pictographs, and writing directions. There will be a
test on Thursday.
and differences, pictographs, and writing directions. There will be a
test on Thursday.
Spelling – Contractions
Handwriting – Lower case cursive letters
Social Studies – We will continue Unit 3 over Geography and the way we live.
Science – We continue in Chapter six with lesson three over rocks and minerals.
We have a couple tests coming up this week other than our normal
Friday Language Arts test. There will be a test in Religion and in Math
on Thursday. The Religion test will be done together in class.
This week we will also start practicing our music for the Luncheon
with the ladies of St. Stephens. This event will be on Wednesday,
December 12th. If you would be available to drive students to Atkins
please let me know as soon as possible.
Friday Language Arts test. There will be a test in Religion and in Math
on Thursday. The Religion test will be done together in class.
This week we will also start practicing our music for the Luncheon
with the ladies of St. Stephens. This event will be on Wednesday,
December 12th. If you would be available to drive students to Atkins
please let me know as soon as possible.
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
11-26 Spelling Pre-Test
11-28 The Second Article of the Creed - first half of the meaning
11-29 Religion Unit 2, Math Unit 3
11-30 The Second Article of the Creed - second half of the meaning
Language Arts Friday Assessment
Spelling Post-Test
Upcoming Events
12-5 1:15 Dismissal, Wear Joining Together for the Junges Shirt
12-8 Junge Benefit
12-12 Lunch with the St. Stephen’s Ladies Society
12-14 Christmas Concert @ 6:30
12-21 Christmas Party
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