November 19 - 20 Newsletter
3rd Grade News
November 19 - 20

This Week’s Focus
Memory – The Second Article of the Creed without the meaning
Religion - What did Martin Luther do?
Language Arts - Main Idea and Details Turkey and Thanksgiving Reader’s Theater
Math – Xtra Math facts practice, we will pick back up with lessons after Thanksgiving.
Spelling – None
Handwriting – Lower case cursive letters
Social Studies – We will continue Unit 3 over Geography and the way we live after Thanksgiving.
Science – We will continue Chapter 6 after Thanksgiving.
It is hard to believe that the end of the first trimester has already come and gone. How fast this year is moving! We will continue our math centers/small group instruction after Thanksgiving break; as well as our usual Language Arts routine.
During the first trimester I allowed students to correct homework and tests. In the second trimester I will follow the policy handed out in the parent handbook at the beginning of the school year and will only allow correction of homework. No tests, quizzes, or memory will be eligible for corrections in the second trimester.
I will also be cracking down harder on homework that is not turned in on time. Again this policy is in the parent handbook that was given out at the beginning of the year. Please take a moment to re-read this handbook with your student to help our classroom run as smoothly as possible.
I am ever so thankful for all of you and your students. I cannot begin to explain to you all how thankful I am to be here in this position. Your students make me smile and laugh everyday. It is an incredible blessing to be able to be a part of their life and be able to share God’s love with them on a daily basis. I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving break!
In Christ,
Mrs. Hines
Upcoming Tests
11-20 The Second Article of the Creed
Upcoming Events
11-20 to 11-22 Thanksgiving Break
12-5 1:15 Dismissal, Wear Joining Together for the Junges Shirt
12-8 Junge Benefit
12-12 Lunch with the St. Stephen’s Ladies Society
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