3rd Grade News: Week of April 6th

 3rd Grade News

April 6 - 9

This Week’s Focus

Memory -Romans 6:4a and What does such baptizing with water indicate?

Religion - We continue unit 7 over baptism.

Language Arts - See attached sheet.

Math - We are moving on to Chapter 6 over Area.

Spelling – Vowel Patterns au, augh, ou, ough

Handwriting – This week we will start practicing writing our classmates names.

Social Studies-We start unit 5 over cultures.

We are now in the fourth quarter.  Students in 3rd grade are able to participate in track and field.  I hope to see some of the students at practice this week (Tuesday and Thursday).  We are getting to the end of the year and while it is tempting to start shutting and relax, this is the time to push hard and do the best that you can.

We have struggled lately to be respectful of property that is not ours.  There are several things in the classroom that are my property.  I have noticed things being written on them, scratched into them, poked into them, etc.  Please talk with your child about respecting the property of the school and others.

Along those same lines we seem to have forgotten that telling students the answer to questions on homework and tests is cheating.  We need to learn some boundaries and realize that we need to focus our efforts on our own work.  Going forward there will be serious consequences if this continues happening.

In Christ,   

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

4-7 Romans 6:4a

3-26 What does such baptizing with water indicate?

L.A. “Friday” Test

Spelling Test

Upcoming Events

4-7 Noon Dismissal

4-10 Spring Fling

4-14 Noon Dismissal
