Third Grade News: Week of May 3

 3rd Grade News

May 3 - 7

This Week’s Focus

Memory - 1 Corinthians 11:28 and John 6:37

Religion - We continue in Unit 8 over God’s works in us.

Language Arts - See attached sheet.

Math - We finish up Ch 9 with a test on Tuesday.  Then we will start Ch 10 over fractions.

Spelling – Final Syllables

Handwriting – This week we continue with our daily handwriting worksheets.

Science - We start ch 9 over energy.

Thank you to those who have volunteered to drive for Ag Day on Wednesday.  I look forward to a fun and informational day with the students.

Next week we will have guest day.  Please watch for a letter coming home about this.  Each student is allowed one guest to spend the morning with us and do some fun activities. 

In Christ,   

Mrs. Hines

Upcoming Tests

5-4 Math Ch 9

5-5  1 Corinthians 11:28

4-30 John 6:37

L.A. “Friday” Test

Spelling Test

Upcoming Events

5-5 3rd Grade Ag Day & Noon Dismissal

5-8 IDE Track Meet

5-12 3rd Grade VIP Day

5-14 Spring Concert
