3rd Grade News for 12-10 to 12-14

3rd Grade News December 10 - 14 This Week’s Focus Memory – Luke 2:10-11 and 1 John 5:11 Religion - How did things and people come to be? What do Angels do? And Who is the Devil? Language Arts - See handout that was sent home. Math – This week we will be covering measuring, addition word problems, estimating length and distance, and reading clocks to the nearest minute. Spelling – Spellings of /j/, /s/, and /k/ Handwriting – Lower case cursive letters and numbers Social Studies – We will continue Unit 3 over Geography and the way we live. Science – We continue in Chapter six covering kinds of soil and landforms. At the end of last week a note was sent home about the class Christmas party, a permission slip for the luncheon Wednesday, and a request for toilet paper. If you did not see these please let me know so that I can send them to you again. We are hard at work learning lots of new things over the next couple of weeks. ...